International Symposium

Stone Consolidation in Cultural Heritage -

research and practice



The poster panels have a total area of 127 x 95cm (height x width). We suggest that your poster should be 90 x 90 cm, though you may choose any other dimensions as long as they fit within the total area.

We suggest that you include the title of the contribution, name of the authors, organization represented, a few large and eye-catching images and short explanations of the work and its conclusions. Remember that every participant has a printed book of Proceedings with your communication in it.

Find the reference number of your presentation from the List of Contributions. Upon your arrival on the 6th May, you shall find in the Congress Hall a panel with your number. The panel will have all you need to stick the poster.

The poster panels are in the area where coffee breaks will be served. Two Poster Sessions are mentioned in the Program, on the afternoon of May 06 and in the morning of May 07, during coffee breaks. Please stay within sight of your poster so that you may be aware if some other participant wants a word with you.

Also, please read this note.


Authors are expected to prepare PowerPoint slide-shows to illustrate their presentations. If you do not intend to use a PowerPoint or need any help with your media, please contact us through writing "SLIDES" on the subject line.

Presentations should aim at a 10 minute target. A counter will be visible in your monitor. After 12 minutes you shall be reminded by the Chair that you should end your presentation as soon as possible. At 15 minutes the Chair will terminate your intervention. If a speaker finishes well in advance of his allotted time, he may be allowed to answer direct questions but the 15 minute maximum must be strictly respected.

Presentations are set in groups of five to seven, each with a specific period for discussion. Authors are expected to be available during the discussion period that follows the group in which his presentation is included.

Some sound advice that you may choose to follow (or not...): On preparing your presentation and on delivering it, please remember that every participant will have your original text printed in full colour and so you don't need to repeat the exact contents of your communication. Limit the number of slides and try to concentrate on the more important points and, whenever possible, show new data and images so as to impress upon listeners the capital issues and conclusions. Use minimal text of sufficient size to be readable by all attending the session. Avoid animation effects which may be problematic to handle by other versions of the software and will impose its timing on you. And most important of all, avoid reading the text written in your slides, because viewers can read the text themselves from their seats!

The PowerPoint presentations should be compressed (the software you use to prepare them allows you to compress each slide to optimal size). If they are less than 5Mb in size, they may be mailed to again with "SLIDES" written on the subject line. We shall acknowledge receiving each presentation but in all cases you should also carry your presentation with you, if possible with a back up. After registering at the symposium, please contact the slide desk immediately (it is located a few steps away) to check whether it has been received and is working properly, or else hand your presentation in a pen or CD for immediate downloading. Please (please!) remember we must have all presentations in any group well in advance of the time set for the first presentation of that group, so that they may be verified beforehand.

Also, please read this note.


On arriving to LNEC on the morning of May 06, please enter through the main door from where you will be directed by printed signs to the Congress Hall. If you are driving, go with your car through the visitors gate and park in the campus. Register at the congress desk and you shall receive a case with the Proceedings and lunch tickets. Please put the tickets in your purse or wallet, so that you will not forget them at the hotel on the following day. You will need a ticket to accede to the lunch pavilion where full lunches will be served in a relaxed atmosphere that will allow you to make contacts with colleagues of similar interests.

Although we tried to minimize parallel sessions, it was impossible to do without them. The parallel sessions will be held twenty meters from each other and we shall try to synchronize presentations, so that you may easily change rooms in a matter of seconds and make the most of the Symposium.

Also, please read this note.

We wish all a profitable and pleasant stay with us.