International Symposium

Stone Consolidation in Cultural Heritage -

research and practice



The registration fee is € 200 or € 250, for payments received before and after April 06, 2008, respectively.

Students presenting a certificate valid for 2008 will pay €150 (or € 200 after April 06).

The fee includes two days of lectures and presentations, book of proceedings, certificate of attendance, full lunch on both days and coffee breaks.

For pre-registration, please fill in the preliminary registration form .


Payment Form (please print, fill and send with your payment)


Exhibition space: Space for promotional exhibits is available in the conference hall or in the nearby exterior area. For costs and other conditions, please visit this page or contact:

DrŠ Teresa Fonseca: ;

tel. +351 21 844 37 29 fax: +351 21 844 30 18